Wednesday, August 22, 2012

One Direction Messenger Bags

One Direction Messenger Bags for Tweens
The event of the Olympics that most impressed my tween daughter was the appearance of One Direction. I didn't realize that the song they played was so popular, but I guess I should have realized when the kids played it over and over a zillion times. It's funny how bands have an effect on tweens and younger girls...even older girls sometimes. Two decades ago, it was the New Kids on the Block. A few short years ago it was the Jonas Brothers. Now, One Direction is quite the thing. Finding One Direction messenger bags makes perfect sense if your upper elementary school or tween daughter are fans. I love messenger bags as an alternative to backpacks.

One Direction Messenger Bag
Find Various options and images.

 I think that for older girls in elementary and middle school they are easier to carry and easier to organize. Academic success can be tied in part to how well your child keeps her school bag organized. Lost homework, forgotten books and all sorts of other attention and management issues can affect grades. The messenger bag for your middle school daughter or upper elementary student isn't going to save the day all on its own, but you can improve your child's opportunity to succeed by providing good tools and helping her with appropriate management techniques.

 You can find more One Direction School Supplies for your daughter here.